
A wife to a great husband! A mother of three great kids!

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Location:Montague, New Jersey, United States

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A day in the life of a Mother.....

Wake up at 5:30. Get the girls up for school. Help them get dressed (Marissa needs me to put out her clothes. She is NOT a morning person.)

Go downstairs and make breakfast. Do their hair and make sure they have everything in their backpack. Mark takes them to bus at 6:30. I go upstairs and shower and get ready.

Wake Mark up and dress him for Pre-school. Spend a good 15 min. Deciding what to bring for "Show and Tell". Another 10 min. getting his shoes on. Leave at 7:30 to have breakfast at the coffee shop. And then off to school at 9:00.

Come home and do a ton of laundry and then back to school to get Mark. And today I drove down to the girls school to pick them up. Back home at 3:00.

Off to buy new ballet shoes for Marianna (hers were destroyed) and get home to make dinner.

Go over homework and feed the kids, clean up the kitchen and then off to bathe the kids. And now I have a few minutes to myself to write something! ;o) Ohh to another day of motherhood!


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